Everybody who knows me will not need to read this paragraph, but if you do not know me and want to know a bit more about me, then here you go. I am 23 years old and was born and raised in Bryan, TX. I went to Texas Lutheran and graduated in May 2007 with a degree in Computer Science. I then moved back to College Station and currently work as a programmer down here. I currently live with two guys that I have known for a long time (one since I was 14, one since I was 5). I do enjoy writing, and would like to one day write a book about the great experiences that I had back in high school playing six man football. I guess the hardest part is finding a way to begin.
With that said, I am really excited about the Super Bowl tomorrow. I am not sure how good of a game it will be. I also do not have a rooting interest. I do, however, always go for the underdog whenever the Texans are not involved (or I guess when I do not have a lot of fantasy football players on a specific team). I really just want to have a great game, like everybody else I think, but I hope the Cardinals are able to pull it out. I am not like a lot of my friends who are going for the Cardinals just because if the Steelers win then they will have more Super Bowl titles than the Cowboys. I also know quite a few people who are die hard Steelers fans, and I have nothing against them. I am simply going for the Cardinals because it has been so long since they have done anything relevant. Kind of like the Cubs of the NFL, only they are not nearly as arrogant or whiny.
I guess that is all for now. Hopefully I will continue to update this. Maybe I will later today, if I feel the need and I am not too busy.
'Til next time...